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Cyclist 100 Classic Climbs: Number 2


Cyclist 100 Classic Climbs: Number 2


Cyclist 100 Classic Climbs: Number 2

Collection von Cyclist Magazine

1 Tour

02:32 Std

21,5 km

1 570 m

In April 2020, Cyclist Magazine turned 100 issues old and to celebrate we decided to task ourselves to identify and, more importantly, rank the 100 greatest road cycling climbs on the planet.
We tried to establish an order via a complex equation involving the number of switchbacks plus the number of cafes at the summit divided by the number of Marco Pantani summit victories.
When that didn’t work, we squabbled like children until we came up with our final list.
Regardless, of where they sit in the list, all 100 climbs are magnificent in their own right and with our friends at Komoot, we have even gone to the trouble of providing you with the ultimate route to tackle these climbs, too.Here is number 2.

Auf der Karte



  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Cyclist 100 Climbs - Ventoux

    21,4 km
    8,5 km/h
    1 570 m
    0 m
    Schwere Rennrad-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gute Straßenbeläge. Einfach zu fahren.

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    21,5 km
  • Zeit
    02:32 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 570 m

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