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Mountain biking the West Highland Way


Mountain biking the West Highland Way

West Highland Way in Felled Section of the Nevis Forest cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Chris Heaton

Mountain biking the West Highland Way

Mountainbike-Collection von Barney



3-4 Std

/ Tag

153 km

2 880 m

2 920 m

Let's not beat about the bush, the West Highland way is a big ol' challenge. Its 95-odd miles are usually treated as a walk over several days, but they work marvellously well as a magnificent bike ride (you can take a bike on all the trails, after all). As long, that is, as you don't mind a fabulous variety of riding, from mouth-agape gorgeous scenery on wide tracked surfaces, all the way through to hike-a-bike walking your way up the side of vertiginous slopes, and the technical descents that inevitably follow.

This is not a route that you can easily do with a touring bike and panniers, mind you. You’ll be needing a proper mountain bike, and you’ll be needing to pack as light as you can whilst still making sure you’ve got everything you need to be safe. As far as bikes go, you might find a full-suspension bike more comfortable and easier on some technical sections, but be aware that you’ll be carrying it in quite a few places too - so a hefty enduro bike is probably not a good idea.

There are a few other things to note, too. This Collection splits the route up into four sections of broadly escalating difficulty, although they all present their challenges. It also runs the more common south to north, although it’s perfectly possible to run it the other way around, of course. There will be plenty of walkers en route; give way to them and be friendly - most of them will regard you with varying degrees of bemusement or disbelief, especially if you’re riding some of the bits they’re struggling to walk.

Wild camping in Scotland is permitted, with certain caveats - although it’s restricted on part of the Loch Lomond trail. There are other accommodation options en route, of course - this is a pretty popular trail, after all, but they tend to get somewhat more scarce the further north you go. It’s important, therefore, to be prepared if you get stuck out in the open - if you’re not out-and-out bivvying, then you should carry warm clothes, a reflective foil blanket, spare water and lots of emergency food, at a minimum.

Although we’ve split the route into four, it’s entirely possible that you’ll make better time than this - some people have even done the Way, or even both ways, in one go! So if the going is good, and you feel like you can press on, then do so! But plan ahead, and make sure you give yourself adequate options when it comes to stopping, accommodation, food and water.

This being Scotland, the weather can become somewhat changeable, to say the least. Although forecasting has improved over the years, it still can’t totally accommodate the famous Scottish climate, especially in the mountains - so even if the outlook is glorious sun and blue skies, prepare for rain. Just in case.

One last thing - midges. The Scottish midge has a fearsome reputation, especially between May and September, and whenever the going is damp. So, most of the time you’ll be wanting to ride, then. There are precautions you can take: cover up, find (or generate, by riding) breezes; mosquito nets if you’re wild camping or hammocking, and there are a variety of sprays or lotions that can help repel them. The stuff that most Scots folk use is Smidge, which works excellently.

But with all this preparation comes a ride of superlatives; the West Highland Way is a fantastic achievement, whichever way you choose to ride it, and it’s one that will generate memories that will last a lifetime. It’s perhaps not wise to do it as your very first multi-day trip, but it may well end up being one of your best.

The official West Highland Way site, although it primarily caters to walkers, can be found here: westhighlandway.org - it’s got all kinds of good stuff; tips as to what to take, terrain info and accommodation options.

Auf der Karte


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West Highland Way

155 km

2 900 m

2 940 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Stage 1: Milngavie to Rowardennan — West Highland Way

    42,6 km
    9,7 km/h
    680 m
    710 m
    Mittelschwere Mountainbike-Tour. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Technische Grundkenntnisse genügen.

    Die erste Etappe des West Highland Way ist alles, was der Rest der Route im Mikrokosmos ist. Urban, flach, immens steil, ausgesetzt, schön, offen und teilweise geschlossen. Es ist einfach wunderbar.


    Die Route beginnt sanft, mit einer Ausfahrt aus dem Zentrum von Milngavie (sprechen Sie es „Mul-Guy“ aus

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  2. 04:07
    41,6 km
    10,1 km/h
    760 m
    560 m
    Schwere Mountainbike-Tour. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Fortgeschrittene Fahrtechnik notwendig. Auf einigen Passagen wirst du dein Rad vielleicht schieben müssen.

    Die zweite Etappe des West Highland Way verläuft von Rowardennan und endet in Tyndrum.


    Ab Rowardennan kann der untere Trail für Biker frustrierend werden. Sicher, es kann viel gefahren werden, aber zumindest für eine Weile wird es wahrscheinlich etwas Schieben und ein bisschen Gemurmel geben, bevor sich

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 03:02
    30,0 km
    9,9 km/h
    570 m
    560 m
    Mittelschwere Mountainbike-Tour. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Technische Grundkenntnisse genügen.

    Der dritte Abschnitt des West Highland Way ist im Vergleich zu einigen der vorherigen Abschnitte relativ einfach.


    Obwohl der Weg zu Beginn in der Nähe der Eisenbahn verläuft, wird er bald abgelegener und weitläufiger. Viele breite Doppelspuren, Singletrails, denen zum größten Teil die Technik einiger

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  5. 04:34
    39,3 km
    8,6 km/h
    860 m
    1 100 m
    Schwere Mountainbike-Tour. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Fortgeschrittene Fahrtechnik notwendig. Auf einigen Passagen wirst du dein Rad vielleicht schieben müssen.

    Die letzte Etappe des West Highland Way beginnt mit einem Doozy; die Devil's Staircase als herausfordernder (um es gelinde auszudrücken) Aufstieg und ein Abstieg, der möglicherweise Dampf in Ihre Shorts bringt.


    Da kommt der Spaß aber nicht zu kurz. Nach einem weiteren steilen (aber durchaus machbaren

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    153 km
  • Zeit
    16:06 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    2 880 m2 920 m

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