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The Elbe cycle path phase 1 - the best of Germany countryside


The Elbe cycle path phase 1 - the best of Germany countryside


The Elbe cycle path phase 1 - the best of Germany countryside

Collection von Rizwan

4 Touren

21:28 Std

337 km

2 030 m

The Elbe cycle path is one of the most popular European cycle paths. With a total length of over 1,100 km, it stretches from the source of the Elbe in the Giant Mountains to the river's mouth in the North Sea.The whole Elbe Cycle Path can be divided into 4 phases:
1. Cuxhaven to Hamburg
2. Hamburg to Magdeburg
3. Magdeburg to Dresden
4. Dresden to Source of Elbe River
I did phase 2, starting from Hamburg, and ended the trip in Magdeburg in the Mid-May long week (9-12 May 2024). I cycled around 350 km in four days, stayed in camping sites with one night on the Elbe river bank. I had a great time, explored Germany countryside, and experienced Germany like never before, people were warm & happy throughout the journey, saying hallo, moin and looking to exchange a few thoughts. My four days journey breakdown is as follows: Day 1: Hamburg to Brackede (74.05 KM)
Day 2: Brackede to cumlosen (94 KM)
Day 3: Cumlosen to Tangermünde (97.7 KM)
Day 4: Tangermünde to Magdeburg (74.2 KM)
If you're in Germany then you must do this cycling path. Happy to help if you're planning this route. My next plan is to do Phase 2 from Magdeburg to Dresden.

Auf der Karte



  1. Elberadweg 01 | Hamburg to Brackede

    74,2 km
    14,7 km/h
    900 m
    910 m
  2. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    337 km
  • Zeit
    21:28 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    2 030 m

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