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The Customs Officers’ path – GR 34 in Brittany between Morlaix and Lannion


The Customs Officers’ path – GR 34 in Brittany between Morlaix and Lannion

Steph Ollivier

The Customs Officers’ path – GR 34 in Brittany between Morlaix and Lannion

Wander-Collection von SimonWicart



4-5 Std

/ Tag

95,2 km

1 300 m

1 300 m

In 1791, two years after the French Revolution, the government decided to launch a crusade against the illegal trade and smuggling that were plaguing the Breton coast. A path took shape along the coastline, weaving in and out of lonely coves, and climbing the heights of the steep cliffs. Customs officers' houses and watchtowers sprang up along its length.

In 1968, two centuries later, the struggle was over. The customs officers disappeared and were replaced by nature lovers. A group of experienced hikers decided to embellish the route with the red and white markers that define long-distance hiking trails in Europe, and it became known as the GR34. In 2018, the trail was voted ‘France's Favourite GR’.

This 2,000-kilometre (1,240 mi) route stretches along the coast between Saint-Nazaire and Mont-Saint-Michel, passing through some of Brittany’s exceptional landscapes. The marshes of Guérande, Cornouaille, the Abers region, the Emerald Coast and the Pink Granite Coast are just some of the marvels to be found along the way. For lovers of history and nature, this extraordinary GR route is much more than just a path, it is a journey through the past.

This week-long Collection takes you on a journey from Morlaix to the beginnings of the sublime Pink Granite Coast. Some beautiful stretches of footpath explore this highly preserved natural environment. Rugged cliffs, formed from millions of years of erosion, vanish into the waters of an ocean that is sometimes calm and gentle, sometimes furious and angry.

There are so many sights to see along the way. Some beaches were trodden by resistance fighters under François Mitterrand, while some ruins bear witness to the passage of the Romans through the region. In small villages, the shops will give you a warm welcome, and you can stop off at one of the many cafés or restaurants to discover more about Breton folklore. Don't forget to keep a Kouign-Amann (sweet, multi-layered cakes) in the pocket of your bag to ward off the odd craving.

You can start the Collection at Morlaix railway station, which is served daily by the Brest-Rennes line. On the return journey, you can hop on a train from Lannion to Guingamp, also served daily by the Brest-Rennes line.

There’s a wide range of accommodation on this section of the GR 34. In the high season, you’ll need to book.

With its easy paths, this section of the GR 34 is passable all year round. There are plenty of shops along the route, so pack light and take the bare essentials with you. In summer, the wind can hide the heat: don't forget to cover your head and hydrate regularly. In winter, Brittany is a particularly wet region: remember to bring appropriate clothing for both cold and rain.

Enjoy your trip!


Useful links:

The first part of the customs trail between Saint-Nazaire and Pont d'Armes: komoot.com/collection/2419552/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-saint-nazaire-et-pont-d-armes
The second part of the customs trail between Pont d'Armes and Surzur: komoot.com/collection/2422272/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-pont-d-armes-et-surzur
The third section of the customs trail between Surzur and Sarzeau: komoot.com/collection/2428988/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-surzur-et-sarzeau
The fourth section of the customs trail between Sarzeau and Vannes: komoot.com/collection/2431084/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-sarzeau-et-vannes
The fifth section of the customs trail between Vannes and Lorient: komoot.com/collection/2458062/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-vannes-et-lorient
The sixth section of the customs trail between Lorient and Concarneau: komoot.com/collection/2459250/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-lorient-et-concarneau
The seventh section of the customs trail between Concarneau and the Pointe du Raz: komoot.com/collection/2463258/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-concarneau-et-la-pointe-du-raz
The eighth section of the customs trail between Pointe du Raz and Le Fret: komoot.com/collection/2464503/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-la-pointe-du-raz-et-le-fret
The ninth section of the customs trail between Le Fret and Brest: komoot.com/collection/2465755/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-le-fret-et-brest
The tenth section of the customs trail between Brest and Guissény: komoot.com/collection/2470111/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-le-brest-et-guisseny
The eleventh section of the customs trail between Guissény and Morlaix: komoot.com/collection/2471311/le-sentier-des-douaniers-le-gr-34-entre-guisseny-et-morlaix

Auf der Karte


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Le GR 34 entre Morlaix et Lannion

91,2 km

1 250 m

1 260 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Étape 1 : De Morlaix au Diben — Le GR 34 entre Morlaix et Lannion

    23,7 km
    4,7 km/h
    260 m
    260 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Hier sind Sie am Anfang dieser neuen Sammlung des Zöllnerpfades zwischen Morlaix und Lannion. Heute Morgen verlassen Sie die gemütliche Stadt Morlaix. Wenn Sie sich nicht die Zeit genommen haben, es zu besichtigen, fahren Sie vor Ihrer Abreise unter dem Viadukt hindurch, einem beeindruckenden Bauwerk

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  2. 05:56
    27,2 km
    4,6 km/h
    410 m
    400 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Von Diben aus sind Sie dabei, die längste Etappe dieser Sammlung zu absolvieren. Um sich vorzubereiten, zögern Sie nicht, heute Morgen Ihr Frühstück in der Nähe der Spitze von Diben zu genießen, um sich mit Jod einzudecken, das hervorragend für Ihren Atem ist.


    Sie verlassen Diben in Richtung Osten. Auf

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 05:29
    25,1 km
    4,6 km/h
    380 m
    370 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Um diesen Tag zu beginnen, empfehle ich Ihnen, eine Terrasse am Hafen von Locquirec aufzusuchen und einige bretonische Spezialitäten zu probieren. Nach einem Kouign-Amann, einem Far oder einem bretonischen Shortbread, das Sie vor dem geschäftigen Hafen genießen, fühlen Sie sich bereit für diesen neuen

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  5. 04:10
    19,2 km
    4,6 km/h
    260 m
    280 m
    Mittelschwere Wanderung. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Sie sind auf der vierten und letzten Etappe dieser Sammlung auf dem Abschnitt des Zollwegs angekommen, der Morlaix mit Lannion verbindet. Heute Morgen verlassen Sie die Saint-Michel-Strecke in Richtung der Léguer-Mündung.


    Die ersten Kilometer offenbaren herrliche Landschaften, in denen das Meer meisterhaft

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    95,2 km
  • Zeit
    20:38 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 300 m1 300 m

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