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Hike one of Scotland's Great Trails – Great Trossachs Path


Hike one of Scotland's Great Trails – Great Trossachs Path


Hike one of Scotland's Great Trails – Great Trossachs Path

Wander-Collection von Grace Mulligan



5-8 Std

/ Tag

49,1 km

640 m

610 m

Ahh the mighty Great Trossachs Path, embedded in the heart of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park and one of Scotland’s Great Trails. The Trossachs coined the nickname "the Highlands in miniature", due to their striking resemblance to the larger expanse of the Scottish Highlands.

The Path stretches between the shores of Loch Lomond and the town of Callander. It encompasses a diverse range of landscapes, from ancient woodland and shimmering reservoirs, to Roman ruins and rugged mountains.

The journey begins in Inversnaid, a small rural community located on the eastern edge of Loch Lomond. To reach Inversnaid, the easiest method is to take a train from Glasgow Queen Street to Tarbet and then take a waterbus across Loch Lomond to Inversnaid. Do note that the waterbus will be seasonal, so check this online beforehand. The return to Inversnaid from the endpoint in Callander requires a bus to Tyndrum, then to Loch Sloy Power Station and back on the waterbus again.

Now for the exciting part! Departing from Inversnaid, the route heads east, gently meandering along a river and past the gorgeous Arklet Waterfall toward the shores of Loch Arklet. You’ll follow an old military road (free from traffic) along the entire length of the loch, surrounded by towering mountains the entire way. The rugged grandeur of the mountains contrasts beautifully with the stillness of the loch, creating a picture-perfect backdrop to this leg of your journey.

It’s then onto Loch Katrine, where you’ll spend the rest of your day venturing along a breathtaking shoreline that uncovers old ruins, wildflower meadows and beachy coves.

Stage 2 fairs a bit easier on the legs. Not only is the distance nearly one third shorter than stage 1, but the elevation gain is also more forgiving. For the truly intrepid, there is the option to complete a loop of Ben A'an before setting off. While this detour adds at least another 2.5 hours to your adventure, the views from the summit are nothing short of spectacular.

You’ll traverse the shores of Loch Achray before arriving at the rural village of Brig O’ Turk. This quaint locale offers an array of dining options, including a tearoom, pub, and a beautiful farm shop selling ice cream just outside the village. Take advantage of this opportunity to fuel up on energy, as it will be your last chance to do so before reaching Callander, the final destination of the day.

The original route is 30 miles (48.2km). Mine is 30.6 miles (49.2km) as I’ve extended the end point to reach the centre of town in Callander. This is a short multi-day trail, but boy does it pack a punch.

My two-stage version completes the route in two days, but feel free to adjust the stages or take longer if needed. While accommodation options may be limited, wild camping is permitted along the way. Some areas require a permit, but for the majority, Scotland’s liberal wild camping laws apply. There is a wealth of information about this on the official Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park website. lochlomond-trossachs.org/things-to-do/camping/get-a-permit

If you prefer a three-day journey with accommodation, there’s the option to stay at the Letter Steading Hotel. This is located approximately 14 miles (22.5km) from Inversnaid and would save you from the long 19-mile stretch at the beginning, maybe a nice option for winter months when the days are shorter.

Given the remote and weather-prone nature of the area, it is crucial to come well-prepared with reliable essentials. A sturdy pair of walking boots and waterproof gear are a must. Carry a supply of food and drink to sustain you in between amenities and don’t forget to bring midge protection, we are in Scotland after all!

Auf der Karte


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Great Trossachs Path – full tour

48,4 km

630 m

600 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2024

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Stage 1: Inversnaid to Trossachs Pier – Great Trossachs Path

    30,9 km
    3,7 km/h
    370 m
    310 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Die erste Etappe Ihrer zweitägigen Tour beginnt in Inversnaid, einem kleinen ländlichen Dorf am Ufer des Loch Lomond.


    Da Ihre erste Etappe eine ziemlich lange Strecke umfasst, würde ich Ihnen empfehlen, die Nacht zuvor im Inversnaid Hotel im Dorf oder zumindest irgendwo in der Nähe zu übernachten. So

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  2. 05:01
    18,3 km
    3,6 km/h
    270 m
    310 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Die zweite Etappe Ihrer zweitägigen Expedition bietet eine sanftere Herausforderung.


    Sie beginnen Ihr Abenteuer am Trossachs Pier. Wenn Sie genügend Zeit haben, empfehle ich Ihnen, vor der Abfahrt eine einstündige Rundfahrt mit dem Sir Walter Scott Steamship zu unternehmen. Es segelt seit 1900 auf dem

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen



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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    49,1 km
  • Zeit
    13:17 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    640 m610 m

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