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The Capitals of Italian Culture 2023 – cycle between Brescia and Bergamo


The Capitals of Italian Culture 2023 – cycle between Brescia and Bergamo


The Capitals of Italian Culture 2023 – cycle between Brescia and Bergamo

Fahrrad-Collection von Nicola Amadini



4-5 Std

/ Tag

192 km

1 390 m

1 280 m

In 2023, Bergamo and Brescia were both designated as Italian Capitals of Culture. I've created a 190-kilometre (118 mi) route connecting them, passing through the most evocative places between the two cities. The two stages are leisurely , suitable for all seasons and can be ridden in either direction.

By car, you can reach Brescia and Bergamo via the A4 Milan-Venice motorway. I know this region from my student days, and I rode this route when I lived in Brescia and studied in Bergamo. The two stages thoroughly explore the area with lots of stops along the way. I recommend riding a bike that can handle dirt roads like a gravel or mountain bike.

After departing from Brescia, you head west, tracing the cycle paths of Franciacorta, a region renowned for its wine production. The area is ideal for cycling and has an excellent network of cycling infrastructure.

The picturesque Lake Iseo connects the two provinces, and I’ve designed this route to almost entirely follow its perimeter, covering 50 of its 60 kilometres (31 of 37 mi). The east bank belongs to the province of Brescia, while the west bank belongs to Bergamo. The Vello-Toline is a charming cycle/pedestrian path overlooking the lake, ensuring safe cycling away from traffic. I recommend checking if all sections are open as some were closed when I was there.

The first stage concludes near Sarnico, a tourist town on the southern tip of the lake. Here, you can easily find facilities to replenish your energy and a place to spend the night before embarking on the second leg of this Collection. I suggest checking accommodation availability in advance.

After the beauty of the lakes, it's time to trace the rivers. First, the Oglio, flowing north from the Camonica Valley into Lake Iseo, then descending towards the Po Valley. Next, the Adda River brings you almost to Lake Como before returning to Bergamo. This part of the itinerary mainly follows cycle/pedestrian paths, mostly asphalted, with stretches of dirt.

Once in Bergamo, take time to explore, particularly the historic buildings in the upper part of the city. You can cycle, walk or use public transport around Bergamo. During the week, the train station has a cycle centre where you can store your bicycle for a few hours.

In addition to lights, bring at least two water bottles for refilling and an emergency kit for bike repairs: inner tubes, chain wrench, and a generic multi-tool.

Wishing you an unforgettable adventure!

Auf der Karte


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Cicloturismo tra Brescia e Bergamo

192 km

1 450 m

1 340 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2024

Oder übernimm die vorgeschlagenen Tagesetappen aus dieser Collection direkt in den Mehrtagesplaner und plan so deine eigene Version dieses Abenteuers.

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Tappa 1: Da Brescia a Sarnico – Cicloturismo tra Brescia e Bergamo

    85,7 km
    19,5 km/h
    730 m
    680 m
    Schwere Fahrradtour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend befestigte Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Lassen Sie die Stadt Brescia nach Ihrem Besuch hinter sich, gönnen Sie sich einen Spaziergang durch die Straßen des Zentrums und wenn Sie die Gelegenheit haben, besuchen Sie das historische Schloss, das sich mitten im Zentrum befindet. Treten Sie vorsichtig auf den Radwegen der Stadt und nach wenigen

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen


  2. 05:27
    106 km
    19,5 km/h
    660 m
    610 m
    Schwere Fahrradtour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend befestigte Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Die zweite Etappe ist glatt und weist bis auf einige kurze Abschnitte keine nennenswerten Anstiege auf. Der Höhenunterschied ergibt sich aus der Summe kleiner Neigungsänderungen entlang der geplanten rund hundert Kilometer. Verlassen Sie den malerischen Iseosee und folgen Sie dem Lauf des Flusses Oglio

    übersetzt vonOriginal anzeigen



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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    192 km
  • Zeit
    09:51 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 390 m1 280 m

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