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Wild majesty of the Dark Peak – Kinder Scout microadventure


Wild majesty of the Dark Peak – Kinder Scout microadventure

Dan Hobson

Wild majesty of the Dark Peak – Kinder Scout microadventure

Wander-Collection von Dan Hobson

2 Touren

20:40 Std

69,4 km

1 840 m

This microadventure showcases the wild majesty of the Dark Peak. With spectacular views from rugged escarpments and lofty hilltops almost every step of the way, it’s an unforgettable hike that explores many cherished landmarks.

When I completed this route in mid-August, the landscape was a rich tapestry of colours. From the vibrant blossom of purple heather to the verdant fields and trees. The deep blues of moorland bilberries and freshwater lakes to the vivid reds and golds of a sensational sunset over Kinder Scout.

I’d been aiming to hike this route since late June, but the dreary UK summer had barely offered two suitable days together. When a weather window opened up at an opportune moment, it was a classic seize-the-moment microadventure in the making.

The weather held, affording cloud-dappled sunshine, characterful skies, a cool breeze and gorgeous golden light. This all made for epic views from Stanage Edge, Bamford Edge, Win Hill, Kinder Scout, Mam Tor, Back Tor, Lose Hill, and beyond.

As the timing of the hike coincided with the Trash Free Trails #MyPurposefulAdventure campaign, I decided to give something back. I tied a thick carrier bag to my rucksack, had hand sanitiser and plastic gloves closeby, and collected any litter I spotted along the way. Thankfully, the trails were very clean, especially in more remote areas, which was great to see. However, I still managed to collect four small bags of rubbish along the way.

Day 1 begins at Redmires, on the outskirts of Sheffield, heads over Stanage Edge and Bamford Moor to Ladybower, then ascends Win Hill to Edale Head before dropping into Edale. The Tour finishes with a steep push onto Kinder Scout.

Day 2 resumes on Kinder Scout before dropping into Edale and then ascending Mam Tor. The route then follows the Great Ridge to Back Tor and onto Lose Hill. After descending to Hope, the trail heads along the valley floor to Bamford before a final ascent onto Stanage Edge and a short descent back to the starting point.

The route is designed so there are resupply points every 7 miles (11 km) or so. Around 1.2 litres of water was sufficient between each stop. There are pubs and cafes en route, so a few energy-rich snacks should suffice. Edale is an important pit-stop before heading onto Kinder Scout to get supplies and extra water for the night/next day. With challenging distance and terrain, you’ll need to be in good shape with some navigation experience to tackle this hike.

The best time of year for this microadventure is summer when the days are longer. Late spring or early autumn are also possible. To fully appreciate the magnificence of the routes, plus pit stops and breaks, expect 10-12 hours total time for each Tour.

Be sure to pack warm and waterproof clothing, as conditions can change quickly on exposed high ground like Kinder Scout – even in summer. Sunscreen is essential. Insect repellant comes in very handy around sunset.

The route starts and finishes at Redmires bus terminus. The 51 bus runs a regular service between Sheffield Interchange, in the city centre, and the terminus from early until late, seven days a week.

If you’re looking for a physical challenge that explores some iconic landmarks and breathtaking viewpoints in the Dark Peak, this is an epic loop and one I enjoyed tremendously. Let me know if you give it a try, I’d love to hear any feedback.

For more information about Trash Free Trails, check out their profile: komoot.com/user/trashfreetrails

Auf der Karte


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Kinder Scout Mikroabenteuer - komplette Route

69,0 km

1 990 m

1 990 m

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 31. Mai 2024


  1. Tag 1: Redmires zu Kinder Scout Mikroabenteuer #MyPurposefulAdventure

    30,1 km
    3,3 km/h
    1 020 m
    690 m

    Die erste Etappe meines Kinder Scout-Mikroabenteuers war ein Farbenrausch. Von der frischen Blüte der violetten Heide bis zum satten Grün der Felder und Bäume. Das tiefe Türkis der Süßwasserseen bis hin zu den Rot- und Goldtönen eines perfekten Sonnenuntergangs auf Kinder. Mit epischen Ausblicken, atemberaubenden

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  2. Tag 2 begann mit einer ganz anderen Atmosphäre. Ein unheimlicher Nebel hüllte Kinder Scout ein, als die Sonne müde vom Horizont aufstieg. Der eindringliche Nebel lichtete sich bald und gab einen atemberaubenden Blick auf Mam Tor und die bevorstehende Reise frei. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an blieben die Bedingungen

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    69,4 km
  • Zeit
    20:40 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 840 m

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