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Seven Serpents Quick Bite 2023


Seven Serpents Quick Bite 2023

Tycjan Trzpiola

Seven Serpents Quick Bite 2023

Collection von Tycjan Trzpiola

6 Touren

53:37 Std

574 km

11 380 m

Hi all! If you are looking for a race and adventure. Seven Serpents Quick Bite is the best choice. During this ride, you will cross Slovenia, Croatia and Italy. On the way, you have to catch two ferries and can expect so easy and technical climbs. This is an adventure for all gravel cyclists. Good experience for beginners and advanced riders. We did the entire road in 5 days cause our goal was to enjoy landscapes, culture and food in 3 countries. Seven Serpents is an event I have to get back to someday again and try the long version.You can find video from this race on my YT channel:
See you on the next adventure!

Auf der Karte



  1. Seven Serpents Quick Bite 2023 - Day 1

    106 km
    13,4 km/h
    1 980 m
    1 720 m
  2. 11:21
    142 km
    12,6 km/h
    2 710 m
    2 940 m
  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 12:37
    110 km
    8,7 km/h
    2 010 m
    2 280 m
  5. 14:40
    133 km
    9,1 km/h
    3 140 m
    2 880 m
  6. 05:48
    69,9 km
    12,1 km/h
    1 120 m
    1 430 m

Dir gefällt diese Collection?



Meld dich kostenlos bei komoot an, um mitzureden.


  • Touren
  • Distanz
    574 km
  • Zeit
    53:37 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    11 380 m

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