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La Sierra de Nieves: A weekend of exploring for all


La Sierra de Nieves: A weekend of exploring for all

Simon Alvarez Belon

La Sierra de Nieves: A weekend of exploring for all

Collection von Simon Alvarez Belon

3 Touren

15:14 Std

38,1 km

1 290 m

Discover the captivating landscapes of ‘La Sierra de Nieves’ with these three single-day hikes. Each hike takes you to a different area of the natural park and is tailored to various fitness and skill levels so you can have an adventure regardless of whether you’re an experienced hiker, or a family looking to take it easy and enjoy the fresh air. Find more details on each of the routes below.Among the most notable things you’ll find here are the Spanish fir trees, which are indigenous to southern Spain. In this area, you’ll find this tree's most extensive and well-conserved forests. In the more remote areas, make sure you also keep your eyes peeled for mountain goats, roe deer, as well as eagles, and falcons. 1. Easy: This easy 5-kilometer loop takes you along the Rio Verde. With almost no elevation gain, this route is the perfect family outing on a hot summer day to enjoy several gorgeous swimming spots. Even though the route is accessible by car, make sure you are respectful of the locals when finding a suitable parking space. 2. Intermediate: This circular route starting from El Burgo is a wonderful choice for those who like to stay away from too much climbing or challenging terrain, but nonetheless want to enjoy a long day out. For the first half of the hike, you'll walk on a trail that follows the Turón river which, depending on what time of year, might not have any water so make sure you have full water bottles! The second half of the loop takes you slightly higher up in the mountain to enjoy better views of the valley. The route starts and finishes near the restaurant Casa Pepe where you'll be able to re-fuel with some great Spanish food.3. Difficult: This one-way route from Parauta to Yunquera will be a challenge for most, with almost 20 kilometers of walking and 890 meters of elevation gain, make sure you pack enough water and snacks for a long day in the mountains. Starting at a parking lot in, the route will climb up to several peaks such as the Pico de Torrecilla at 1919 meters for some expansive alpine views. Later in the day, the route turns north where you'll become surrounded by a dense Spanish fir forest. This is also where you'll visit a natural cave before finishing at a parking lot near Yunquera. For those looking for a challenging all-day adventure, look no further!

Auf der Karte



  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Rio Verde Loop - easy excursion with swimming spots

    4,64 km
    3,0 km/h
    80 m
    70 m
    Leichte Wanderung. Für alle Fitnesslevel. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.
  2. 04:55
    14,3 km
    2,9 km/h
    320 m
    320 m
    Mittelschwere Wanderung. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.
  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 08:48
    19,2 km
    2,2 km/h
    890 m
    980 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Gute Trittsicherheit, festes Schuhwerk und alpine Erfahrung notwendig.

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    38,1 km
  • Zeit
    15:14 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 290 m

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