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Cantii Way 🇬🇧 - Route of many Surfaces


Cantii Way 🇬🇧 - Route of many Surfaces

Iam Miro

Cantii Way 🇬🇧 - Route of many Surfaces

Collection von Iam Miro

2 Touren

13:21 Std

254 km

1 440 m

Cantii Way Is name from the Celtic tribe which inhabited the area during the Iron Age.What i hear is Kenti Way, route of many surfaces.
Whatever material was nearby was used on these routes which makes this trip exciting, when you fed up with one type of surface, just wait what this route throw at you.
It combines coastal towns, chalk cliffs with the rolling hills of the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, bridleways, forest, woods, anything.
The circular route uses cycle paths, bridleways and quiet roads.
It’s ideal for touring and hybrid bikes. It’s perfect for a leisurely trip with lots to discover along the way.
Route goes through towns, so many places for the supplies, cafes and places to eat on the coast so no problem to have a lunch or dinner while eating next to your bike, no need to carry that heavy lock.
Little bell on bike is a big plus as many very friendly elderly or dog walkers are out and about and if your hub is not noisy, they won't hear you.
I would recommend this route for anyone who wants to get into bike packing as it is fairly easy with easy access to civilisation.

Auf der Karte



  1. Cantii Way - Day One

    153 km
    18,4 km/h
    1 230 m
    1 220 m

    Der erste Tag begann an meinem örtlichen Bahnhof in Richtung St. Pancrass und dann mit dem Zug nach Ashford.

    Die Route begann schön auf dem örtlichen Radweg und außerhalb der Stadt.

    Bald war ich auf den Landstraßen, die durch die Wälder in Richtung Meer fuhren.

    Vorräte waren leicht zu bekommen, da ich unterwegs

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  2. 05:00
    101 km
    20,1 km/h
    210 m
    170 m

    Frühmorgens, schnelles Aufstellen, Falten und Packen des Zeltes, bevor mich ein Hundeausführer erreichen kann.

    Koffer packen und um 6 Uhr morgens aufs Rad.

    Wieder durch die Vielfalt der Oberflächen erreichten wir die Stadt an der Küste, schauten bei Tesco Express vorbei, um frische Croissants, Mango und

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    254 km
  • Zeit
    13:21 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 440 m

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