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From Húsavík to Dettifoss and Ásbyrgi canyon, highlands trails.


From Húsavík to Dettifoss and Ásbyrgi canyon, highlands trails.


From Húsavík to Dettifoss and Ásbyrgi canyon, highlands trails.

Collection von Paul Bardot



6-6 Std

/ Tag

195 km

1 840 m

1 840 m

2 days ride among the plateau and lava fields above Husavik, toward 2 of the most scenic landmarks of the Diamond Circle. From Húsavík it climb on asphalt to the first trail near the geothemal power station. The trail last for a long time after that, through the wild and ruff landscapes to the lava field of Krafla eruption back in 1984.
After crossing Krafla lava field, the trail reach the main road and goes to the trails along Jökulsá á Fjöllum to Dettifoss. From there many difficult sections where you have to carry and hike the bike, but the view is spectacular over the canyons. The trail follow the river to the North until the campsite of Ásbyrgi. The next day you can choose between the highlands ruff roads or the coastal road to go back to Húsavík.

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    From Húsavík to Dettifoss and Ásbyrgi canyon, highlands trails. - Day 1 - From Húsavík to Reykjahlíð

    92,1 km
    13,3 km/h
    1 070 m
    780 m
    Schwere Gravel-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend befestigte Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.
  2. 06:56
    103 km
    14,8 km/h
    770 m
    1 060 m
    Schwere Gravel-Tour. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Auf einigen Passagen wirst du dein Rad vielleicht schieben müssen.

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    195 km
  • Zeit
    13:51 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 840 m1 840 m

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