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Brunnen - Rigi Panorama 2 Days Hike


Brunnen - Rigi Panorama 2 Days Hike


Brunnen - Rigi Panorama 2 Days Hike

Collection von Ben C



3-3 Std

/ Tag

15,3 km

1 210 m

550 m

Let us meet at Brunnen Bahnhof at 10.30am.
then we take the short lift to the middle top to have a coffee and enjoy the panorama.
We start the hike for 3-4h to camp base at Scheidegg. Rally point with the rest of the team.we can also enjoy there beers and more before we find the right place to pick the tent.
Enjoy the rest of the day in the sun and play around.
Sunday we can wake up late around 8-9am, pack, and start the next easy hike to Rigi Kulm.=== The hike & Camp ===
Saturday we gonna hike from "Brunnen" to the Campbase near "Rigi Scheidegg".
The place for "wilde" camping will be chosen on site. We have to find a spot where we have the best view and can make a fire, who is not a farm field.
Near the camp there are 3 Berg Restaurant where we can also enjoy some civilized drinks.
For those coming for the evening with car, just take the lift near "Goldau": lift from "Kräbel (Talstation)" to Rigi Scheidegg.
Last one 19h!
Sunday, after a nice night in our tents, we gonna walk easy to Rigi Kulm and take the train to Arth Goldau back.
To go back to Brunnen, your have train every 30mn from Arth Goldau (10mn)
Here is the Check list, to be sure you are ready:Temperature max on Rigi mountain 20°, at night 8° (take warm clothes for the night).=== Wilde Camping Checklist ===
◦ 2 L of water (there are fountains on the way but that is a minimum)
◦ Hiking shoes (waterproof)
◦ 2 pairs of socks
◦ Hat for sun or cold
◦ Rain jacket
◦ Covid Mask for lifts, trains and Berg restaurant
◦ Jumper (night can be cold)
◦ Sleeping bag duvet for 0°-10°c night
◦ Tent all season at least (no summer one)
◦ mattres (at least Yoga one)
◦ plate, cup, fork or Spork and knife
◦ kleenex
◦ Food for Saturday Diner, Sunday breakfast and lunch for you only
◦ cereal bars as backup, and nuts
◦ battery pack
◦ Head Lamp
◦ 100chf cash or twint (often cards don't work)
◦ empty plastic bag for your trash
◦ SOS box and sun cream
=== Tips for the food: ===
Buy for you only! Because you gonna carry this load (food and water are the heaviest).
Buy food dry like noodle soup, dry meat, cereals bar.
(Cheeses are really heavy because water in them...)
Tea and instant coffe, dry muesli for breakfast are nice.

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Day 1 Brunnen Lift - Campbase

    7,00 km
    2,1 km/h
    710 m
    180 m
    Mittelschwere Wanderung. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gut begehbare Wege. Trittsicherheit erforderlich.
  2. 03:37
    8,28 km
    2,3 km/h
    510 m
    370 m
    Mittelschwere Wanderung. Gute Grundkondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gut begehbare Wege. Trittsicherheit erforderlich.

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    15,3 km
  • Zeit
    06:59 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    1 210 m550 m

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