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Hike amidst scenic gold and wildlife treasures — Lancashire Coastal Way


Hike amidst scenic gold and wildlife treasures — Lancashire Coastal Way


Hike amidst scenic gold and wildlife treasures — Lancashire Coastal Way

Wander-Collection von Alex Foxfield



6-6 Std

/ Tag

103 km

390 m

370 m

The Lancashire Coastal Way is a wonderful 66-mile (106 km) long-distance trail along the county’s scenic and historic coastline.

Experience golden sunsets that skim across shifting sands. Marvel at the rhythmic ebb and flow of the tides, as opportunist plovers and oystercatchers survey the land for their next meal. Be charmed by the seaside towns and their ostentatious attempts to attract and beguile.

From Freckleton by the Ribble Estuary to Silverdale on the Cumbrian border, the Way explores sandy beaches, gorgeous estuaries, ancient ruins, pretty lighthouses, famous promenades, seaside villages and vibrant towns. The birdlife along the route is magnificent, whilst the region’s commercial and military history is fascinating, not to mention its heritage as a centre for entertainment and tourism.

Highlights along the route are: the Ribble Estuary, a great place to spot resident waders; Blackpool, the UK’s original thrill seekers’ resort; Rossall Point, a windswept peninsula with superb viewpoints; the Cockersand region, with its abbey ruins and splendid lighthouse; Lancaster, a university city and county town with a proud history; Morecambe Bay, of international importance to migrating birds and with stunning scenery to boot; and Arnside and Silverdale AONB, rich in wildlife and boasting terrific little limestone hills.

In this Collection, I have split the route into four stages of between 14.9 miles and 16.7 miles (24 to 26.9 km) in length, making for longish days on the trails. You could opt for shorter days by splitting these stages up further, as accommodation is plentiful along the route,
aside from on the stretch between Pilling and Glasson Dock. Likewise, there are plenty of places to eat and drink, from cafes and chip shops to pubs and restaurants.

This is not a challenging walk and is suitable for all levels of experience. The gradients are flat throughout, aside from an optional detour to Warton Crag in the final stage. Each stage of my itinerary finishes near lodgings and places to eat and drink.

The route is waymarked by a circular, blue ‘bird and wave’ logo and navigation is mostly a doddle. The main thing to be mindful of is high tides, which can sweep in very quickly and have sadly caught people out over the years. Plan ahead with tidetimes.org.uk and stay inshore during high tides.

This Collection follows the usual direction of travel: south to north. This is preferable due to prevailing winds and it also keeps the sun out of your eyes. You could, of course, choose to reverse this without difficulty.

Spring and summer are the optimal seasons, with longer days and plenty of excuses to get as many ice creams as you can. However, winter is witness to an awesome spectacle, when hundreds and thousands of waders and wildfowl flock to the region. It is worth bearing in mind that the ferry between Fleetwood and Knott End-on-Sea may not be running during the off-season.

Whilst not as wet as the upland regions inland, you will still need waterproofs regardless of the season. Sun cream is essential in summer, as are warm layers in winter and a set of binoculars would be useful for wildlife watching. The Way is exposed to the elements, particularly westerlies coming in off the Atlantic, so you can expect it to be gusty at times.

The closest train station to the start point of Freckleton is Kirkham & Wesham, a 3-mile (4.8 km) walk away. You can catch the 68 bus service from Preston, which is on the West Coast Mainline. Services run every half an hour from Preston City Centre. By car, it’s a short drive from junction 3 of the M55.

At the end of the Way, Silverdale is on the Furness Line, which links Lancaster to Barrow-in-Furness in Cumbria. By car, it is a short drive from junction 35 on the M6.

Why not continue your journey by continuing north onto the Cumbria Coastal Way? komoot.com/collection/1085794

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310 m

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  1. Map data © OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

    Etappe 1: Freckleton nach Blackpool — Lancashire Coastal Way

    25,0 km
    4,0 km/h
    50 m
    50 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich.

    Die Eröffnungsphase enthält einige extreme Kontraste. Einerseits haben Sie die wilde Schönheit und die natürlichen Sehenswürdigkeiten der Ribble-Mündung und der schimmernden Irischen See. Ruhe kann manchmal entlang der Seewege gefunden werden.

    Die Etappe endet jedoch in Blackpool mit seinen vielen Touristenattraktionen

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  2. 06:28
    25,5 km
    4,0 km/h
    50 m
    60 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Leicht begehbare Wege. Kein besonderes Können erforderlich. Die Tour enthält Überquerungen mit der Fähre.

    Diese Etappe setzt sich entlang der pfeilgeraden Küste von Blackpool mit Blick auf die ferne Isle of Man fort. Schließlich erreichen Sie die windgepeitschte Landzunge von Rossall Point, nehmen die Fähre über die Wyre-Mündung und machen sich auf den Weg zum Endpunkt der Etappe im Dorf Pilling. Auf der

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 06:48
    26,9 km
    4,0 km/h
    50 m
    40 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gut begehbare Wege. Trittsicherheit erforderlich.

    Die vorletzte Etappe erkundet zunächst die Region Cockerham Sands, besucht einige eindringliche Klosterruinen, einen hübschen Leuchtturm und genießt einen herrlichen Meerblick. Anschließend fahren Sie landeinwärts entlang der Lune-Mündung zum Glasson Dock, bevor Sie dem Fluss in die historische Stadt

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  5. 06:54
    26,0 km
    3,8 km/h
    240 m
    230 m
    Schwere Wanderung. Sehr gute Kondition erforderlich. Überwiegend gut begehbare Wege. Trittsicherheit erforderlich.

    Die letzte Etappe dreht sich alles um Morecambe Bay und die landschaftliche Pracht des Arnside- und Silverdale-Gebiets von außergewöhnlicher natürlicher Schönheit (AONB), das sich über die Grenze zu Cumbrian erstreckt. Nach einem kurzen Besuch in der Stadt Morecambe streifen Sie entlang der Küste, genie

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    103 km
  • Zeit
    26:29 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    390 m370 m

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