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My most memorable adventures of 2023


My most memorable adventures of 2023


My most memorable adventures of 2023

Wander-Collection von Jiddo

5 Touren

190:13 Std

357 km

3 790 m

I've really enjoyed the outdoors a lot this year, every season and all weather conditions. The focus has mostly been on hiking and exploring different parts of the Sörmlandsleden long distance trail.

Something that I'll remember forever is viewing the incredible northern lights on a cold winter night, far out in the archipelago, on a weekday just after a regular day at the office. A once in a lifetime opportunity! It was cold, it was dark, and I was all alone with just my camera and my hammock, but the atmosphere was completely magical!

At the first signs of spring I hiked across Södertörn, camping with a really lightweight bivy for the first time. Usually I sleep in my comfy hammock, but I've long been curious about going more lightweight and more minimalistic. Trying out a bivy setup was a fun and exciting change of pace. It is definitely something that I will experiment with more in the future!

While I didn't do a lot of cycling this year, I've tried to maintain my fitness, and in the very early summer I did my first imperial century 160km ride, which is a milestone that I've long had my eyes on. I really missed doing longer rides, and this was my longest yet. Now I look forward to more cycling next season and I'm doing my best to keep my fitness up with indoor training in the meantime.

During the height of summer I focused a lot at making my way further and further along the Sörmlandsleden trail. The 4 day 90km hike to Katrineholm is the longest distance hike I've done, as well as being the furthest from home, only relying on my hammock and what I carried on my back. Especially after having had some problems with my feet over the past year, being able to complete this hike was a huge milestone for me! It was an amazing experience and I can't wait to continue where I left off during the hiking season of 2024!

In the late summer I got tired of being held back by the rain, the poor weather, and all the mosquitoes, so I made an effort to defy the elements, enjoying the outdoors no matter what. One night I found myself at a small cliff by a lake in the middle of the most intense thunderstorm I've ever encountered. It was a scary and humbling experience, but at the same time it made me eager to experience more! Weather will not hold me back!

For now I'll keep taking any opportunity to head out, even if it is dark, cold, grey or wet, in search of adventures and in wait for the next season.

Auf der Karte



  1. Spektakulare Nordlichter am Montagabend

    4,78 km
    0,4 km/h
    50 m
    60 m

    Ich habe am Sonntagabend von einem Kollegen von den Nordlichtern erfahren, und nachdem ich einige Nachforschungen angestellt hatte, stellte ich fest, dass es eine Chance gab, dass es in der nächsten Nacht wieder passieren würde.


    Nach der Arbeit packte ich schnell ein paar Wintercampingsachen und fuhr

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  2. Zu Ostern wollte ich rausgehen und einen leichten Biwak-Aufbau ausprobieren. Ich beschloss, eine Wanderung durch Södertörn zu machen, entlang des Sörmlandsleden-Wegs von Södertälje nach Handen. Ich verbrachte zwei Nächte im kühlen Vorfrühlingsklima und sah zu, wie die letzten Reste des Winters langsam

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 07:21
    161 km
    21,8 km/h
    1 570 m
    1 590 m

    Endlich habe ich meine erste echte Imperial-Century-Fahrt gemacht! Auf den ersten 100 km herrschte immer mal wieder ziemlich heftiger Gegenwind, so dass es sich ziemlich langsam und schwer zu fahren anfühlte, zumindest im freien Gelände.


    Der größte Teil der Strecke war asphaltiert, aber ich traf auch

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  5. # Day 1 18km, Malmköping - Stora Gyringen lake


    Continuing from Malmköping where my previous hiking tour left off, I walked the first 10km parallel to a road, but with nice scenery, and was full of energy!

    The trail then turned into the nature proper and soon passed through the Rosmossen nature reserve


  6. Die drei Abschnitte des Sörmland-Wanderwegs, die Nynäshamn über das Naturschutzgebiet Paradiset mit dem Hauptweg verbinden, sind nicht Teil der Hauptschleife des Sörmland-Wanderwegs. Sie stellen eine schöne Ergänzung durch abwechslungsreiche Landschaften dar und sind gleichzeitig mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    357 km
  • Zeit
    190:13 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    3 790 m

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