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The Golden Road across the Preseli Hills — Pembrokeshire Coast National Park


The Golden Road across the Preseli Hills — Pembrokeshire Coast National Park


The Golden Road across the Preseli Hills — Pembrokeshire Coast National Park

Collection von Grace

2 Touren

03:58 Std

18,8 km

430 m

Bilberries, stargazing and an ancient route... I've been living in South Wales on and off for a few years now and it feels like home 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 I heard about the Golden Road a few years ago and just hadn't had the opportunity to do it until now. It is an ancient route and prehistoric landscape with proof of this dating back 4,000 years. This area is the legendary source for the bluestones at Stonehenge and it still baffles people how our ancestors transported the stone all the way from here. There are lots of rock formations and plenty of history if you're interested! We parked at the free car park and made our way across the rolling hills up to Bedd Arthur which is the supposed burial place of King Arthur! It can be really windy up here so be prepared for that and consider doing it on a slightly less windy day if you have the option! There were an abundance of Bilberries more than I've ever seen... so of course I ate them until my tongue went blue! There were some mischievous and somewhat curious sheep wondering what we were doing 🐑 👀 We watched the sunset and camped under the full moon and watched the few stars that were out. It stayed really bright being far west you get the last light and the almost full moon meant no torches required! Leaving no trace and up bright and early we headed back along the lower route to make it a circular and less hilly. Of course more bilberries for breakfast... it would be rude not to! Then back to the car park with hardly seeing anyone else for 2 days 🚐 apparently in summer you can do a linear route and get the bus so just check bus times. This is really close to Newport Pembs so you can head there for a post walk pub and lunch. Alternatively you can do what we did and head to Dinas headland which is 20 mins away where there is free parking, a nice little beach and a pub called the Old Sailors. You could obviously do this walk in a day and there are other variations of it to make it longer 🥾You can find out more about the history of the area and walk in this article

Auf der Karte


Touren & Highlights

  1. Day 1 The Golden Road across the Preseli Hills — Pembrokeshire Coast National Park

    9,43 km
    4,7 km/h
    190 m
    240 m

    Tag 1 meiner Preseli-Wanderung in Pembrokeshire. Ich wollte diesen Spaziergang schon seit Ewigkeiten machen und er wurde nicht enttäuscht. Sie können auf dem Parkplatz parken, wo ausreichend Parkplätze vorhanden sind. Die Route führt dann entlang der sanften Hügel hinauf nach Foel Drygarn. Es handelt

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  2. Tag 2... Nach einem Abend voller Sternbeobachtungen und der Beobachtung des fast vollen Mondes machte ich mein erstes Camp seit Langem. Ich habe Billberries zum Frühstück gegessen 🫐 und natürlich keine Spuren hinterlassen wie ein Camping-Ninja 🥷 🏕️ Ich beschloss, den unteren Weg zu erkunden, anstatt

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. loading

    Runway Skiln cafe


    Schönes kleines Café in der Nähe von Marloes Sands und in der Nähe des Küstenwegs namens Runway Skiln. Sie machen tolles Essen und Kuchen ... überprüfen Sie die Öffnungszeiten und buchen Sie, wenn sie schließen, wenn es nicht voll ist.

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    Tipp von Grace

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  • Touren
  • Highlights
  • Distanz
    18,8 km
  • Zeit
    03:58 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    430 m

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