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The Welsh 3000's


The Welsh 3000's


The Welsh 3000's

Collection von Grace

3 Touren

23:01 Std

54,3 km

3 430 m

Back in April 2020 during the first lockdown, I was asked by Mountain Leader Carla to do the Welsh 3000s from home... 15 of the highest peaks in Snowdonia each with a height of 3000ft or more to qualify. This was back when virtual challenges were the norm, the challenge was brutal to say the least! I hated pretty much every minute running up and down the stairs to achieve the elevation and swore I'd never do it again! Fast forward to summer 2021 and I was asked by the same person to do the the challenge but this time for real. Without even thinking about it I just said yes. I am surrounded by such inspiring women at komoot that I have been craving a big challenge, so I had to be a yes person. A total of 4000m elevation, 53km of hiking across 3 days and camping at campsites in between. Not thinking about my fear of heights (or fear of falling as some might say) I agreed to do the scramble up Tryfan and the infamous Crib Goch, a treacherous knife edge ridge in Snowdonia. Add in a storm, slippy surfaces, men turning back and women being brought to tears... I have to say it was probably my worst nightmare and the photos of my face just about tell the story of how difficult it was for me to overcome this fear. I did the challenge with Carla and her tour company Summit Seekers. We were pampered with having our tents put up each night and dinner, massages and hot drinks on arrival back at camp each day. The whole vibe made me feel like I was back in South America meeting new people, sharing stories and being like one big adventure family for the weekend. There is nothing like a fear bonding adventure to bring a group of people together! I wouldn't recommend doing Crib Goch without a guide unless you are extremely experienced. Completing the challenge with a group of strangers made it a truly amazing adventure. I would encourage anyone that wants a good hiking challenge to consider the Welsh 3000's, its an experience that I will never forget. I firmly believe there is a place in the world for both route planning apps and Mountain Leaders and this trip just proved to me how valuable a guided tour is. The 15 mountains were completed across 3 days and the tours include the following mountains and elevation: Day 1:
Foel Fras ~ 944m
Carnedd Gwenllian ~ 926
Foel Grach ~ 977.
Yr Elen ~ 962
Carnedd Llewelyn ~ 1064m
Carnedd Dafydd ~ 1044m
Pen Yr Ole Wen ~ 978m
Day 2:
Tryfan ~ 917m
Glyder Fach ~ 994m
Glyder Fawr ~ 1001m
Y Garn ~ 947m
Elder Fawr ~ 924m
Day 3:
Crib Goch ~ 923m
Garnedd Ugain ~ 1065m
Snowdonn ~ 1085m
For more information on how to sign up to this crazy challenge with Carla and Summit Seekers please visit summit-seekers.co.uk

Auf der Karte



  1. Welsh 3000s Day 1 Foel Fras to Pen Yr Ole Wen

    22,9 km
    3,2 km/h
    1 300 m
    1 210 m

    Tag 1 der Welsh 3000s… Foel Fras bis Pen Yr Ole Wen mit @summit__seekers und einem großartigen Team.



    Heute haben wir 7 Gipfel mit einem Start um 5 Uhr morgens und einer reichlichen Menge an Snacks erreicht. Nach ein paar Van-Problemen und gesperrten Straßen auf der langen Fahrt nach Nordwales habe ich

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  2. 11:55
    18,0 km
    1,5 km/h
    1 330 m
    1 520 m

    Tag 2 der Welsh 3000s… Tryfan to Elder Fawr mit @summit__seekers 🗻🏔



    Ich kann nicht lügen, dass der Schlaf im Zelt bei Regen der beste war, den ich seit langem hatte 😂 Ich finde das Geräusch von Regen auf dem Zelt wirklich therapeutisch und bin nach dem langen ersten Tag einfach ohnmächtig geworden

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  3. Entdecke Orte, die du lieben wirst!

    Hol dir jetzt komoot und erhalte Empfehlungen für die besten Singletrails, Gipfel & viele andere spannende Orte.

  4. 03:50
    13,3 km
    3,5 km/h
    800 m
    1 070 m

    Tag 3 der Welsh 3000s Crib Goch nach Snowdon.



    Der dritte und letzte Tag der Challenge und mit Abstand der schwierigste für mich mental. Ich habe wirklich Höhenangst, daher war es für mich eine große Herausforderung, den berüchtigten Grat Crib Goch zu bewältigen.



    Ich hatte keinen guten Start und kaum geschlafen

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    54,3 km
  • Zeit
    23:01 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    3 430 m

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