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Öran overnight bikepacking


Öran overnight bikepacking


Öran overnight bikepacking

Collection von Jiddo

2 Touren

05:06 Std

78,6 km

830 m

I have passed by Paradiset many times on my rides, but I never took the time to really stop and enjoy the nature around there. The amazing weather this weekend offered a tempting opportunity to finally do just that! The lake Öran, just east of the Paradiset nature reserve called out to me while planning my tour and I decided to set a small peninsula along the southern part of the lake as my target destination for the tour. After work on Friday I headed straight out and pretty much took the direct route towards the lake, just stopping by a water pump near Orlången on the way to fill up my bottles.The weather was beautiful and the first part leading out of the city flew by quickly. After the water stop however I ended up traversing a couple kilometers of varied singletrack that made progress quite slow, but with only having gone 15km before that point, energy levels and determination remained solid!Öran turned out to be truly beautiful and the area peaceful and quiet. I got there and set up camp shortly before sunset and just enjoyed the scenery for a bit before dinner. On the second day I woke up with a lovely view of the water from inside the hammock. The early morning had the entire lake covered in a layer of mist making the sunrise look like something imagined in a fairytale. The morning was overall pretty chilly but there was no wind at all, resulting in a perfectly blank and smooth lake that looked like a piece of art in the morning sun. I took my time enjoying some breakfast while enjoying the view before I packed up and got back on the bike.For the ride back home I had planned to make the most of the day by taking the scenic route instead of just going straight back. This took me through a good amount of gravel, but also a good amount of rough singletrack. I haven't had to push or carry my bike this much ever before. But in return it brought me to some really awesome spots.

Auf der Karte



  1. Öran overnight - Day 1 - Stockholm to Öran

    26,0 km
    17,1 km/h
    260 m
    240 m

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  • Touren
  • Distanz
    78,6 km
  • Zeit
    05:06 Std
  • Höhenmeter
    830 m

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